Teaching materials

In my YouTube Channel you can find videos about Computer Science, 2D videogame creation (Python + PyGame from scratch), etc. + other videos that are not Computer-Engineering-related. I am also mantaining a couple of interesting compilations/playlists that might be useful to you or your students. Feel free to take a look!

Introducció a la programació

Campus Júnior 2020

Undergraduate projects

Colabs used in class (all groups 2021-22):

If you are a bit lost or are revising concepts:

Bots: de Videojocs a Cases Intel·ligents

Curs del Campus Júnior 2021, organitzat per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Tot i que aquest any serà presencial, us deixo alguns enllaços a recursos que us poden ser útils per repassar o aprendre més. Us deixo també el link a la llista de reproducció amb els vídeos de classe (comentaris i explicacions d'experts en diversos àmbits).

Videos d'experts en diversos àmbits de la ciència i la tecnologia. Els passarem a classe per escoltar les seves opinions.

Introducció a la programació (2020)

This course is taught in spanish and catalan! Alguns videos estan en anglès! Teniu els vídeos d'algunes classes que vam haver de fer en directe en aquesta playlist. També he penjat algunes explicacions de classe en format vídeos de 5 minutets per si us van bé.

El material del curs de videojocs amb IA també us pot anar bé pels estudiants de Introducció a la Programació!

Videojuegos con Inteligencia Artificial en Python (2020)

Este curso, parte del Campus Júnior 2020, estaba orientado a estudiantes desde tercero de ESO hasta primero de Bachillerato y Ciclos formativos de grado medio (CFGM). ¡Eso es un gran rango de edades! Sin embargo, la mayoría estuvieron contentos porque el proyecto final, un videojuego hecho en Python que usase una IA simple, se adaptaba a los conocimientos de cada uno y todos pudieron hacer juegos increíbles (en 2D). Estoy muy contenta de los resultados aunque me hubiera gustado poder hacer el curso presencial en lugar de online...

Código del curso (y más) en GitHub: https://github.com/beatrizcabdan/videogamesWithAI

Para ayudaros: tutorial para instalar Python, PyCharm y pygame (y que funcione).

Current research: Crowd Simulation

User experiment about trajectory quality perception https://webglstudio.org/users/bea/naive/ (feel free to help me out!).

WebGLStudio-based visualisation of trajectories https://webglstudio.org/demos/crowd/?simulation by (the one, the only) Tamats.

Generalized Microscropic Crowd Simulationusing Costs in Velocity Space (I3D '20)

Undergraduate tech projects

A playlist with demos of some of my undergraduate projects (Robotics, AI, IoT, Rendering).

Other resources and tools

This amazing tutorial about self-driving vehicles that can be taken in just a day!! It's on a YouTube playlist in Raquel Urtasun's channel as well.

Berkeley's Pacman: I strongly recommend solving this problems related to planning and other search techniques. It is based on Pacman so it is self-evident how it relates to videogames! Everything is explained in detail in each of the 5 projects / tutorials: search, multiagent systems, reinforcement learning (autonomous learning), tracking (sensors), and classification. Just amazing!

Development Diary of Senua's Revenge (Hellblade), strongly recommended for those who are interested in videogame development (with or without technical skills): https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLbpkF8TRYizaT6GfMcKBG-RoUOQ6BJRXp&v=42wG9WEl_9o

A concept that brings peace of mind but it's scary at the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLpkg5PEI-IvsvpXYanA4epLcVR4Y39s0m&v=ovJcsL7vyrk

The best introduction to state-of-the-art rendering methods: the complete TU Wien Rendering Course is available to watch and learn about many computer graphics algorithms.

Self-driving Tutorial

Beautiful math & nature

Videojuegos e Inteligencia Artificial


All the PDF-related tools you can ever need: https://smallpdf.com/merge-pdf

A translator that provides context (based on translation memory): https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/search

My colleagues from UPF-GTI also work on great tools and content for their students. Here are a few links to showcase their work:

Some projects

A list of projects I have worked on, lists, tests, demos, tools, etc. Some are useful, most are not: